Web Naughty - looking for open minded ladies 45 n up - Adult personals for naughty people looking for sex, new sexy friends and naughty lovers!
looking for open minded ladies 45 n up
I'm a single white male .I'm 51 in ca. Want a open mnded woman. I love to eat pussy.I want a girl to teach me to suck a dick .I never tryed it .but would like to.
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calif., California, United States
AGE: 65
BODY TYPE: Average
HEIGHT: 5' 10" (178 cm)
WEIGHT: 144 Lbs. (65 Kg.)
RACE: Caucasian
PROFILE: I'm a single white male .I'm 51 in ca. Want a open mnded woman. I love to eat pussy.I want a girl to teach me to suck a dick .I never tryed it .but would like to.