Looking for you
Please read i think we could all get along very well.
Hello there , we do not know each other and I know this may seem a little out of the ordinary but here it goes.
Well I am part of a couple that has been married for 16 years and we are looking to make new friends here and maybe more.
If there is an attraction of course, I know we do not have a picture posted here for public viewing as we live in a small town and we like to keep things private.
Once we have gotten to know each other abit and we are comfy we can exchange pics at that point if you like.
We are looking for a person(woman) that is ok with the idea of threesomes now they can be the two of you on me or us on you or all of us at each other...lol that is the best personally but we are good with any situation.
If we have swapped pics and not interested we can still be friends as well.
Sorry to have to have you read all of this , you would be surprised on how many times we have been sent replies with people stating they did not know why we were
messaging them..we fixed that now we hope...lol
Looking forward to getting to know you.