Discreet Sex needed
I'm a 45 year old male looking for a nice woman for just casual sex. No strings attached or anything. I like to get to know a person first and when have sex I first like a lot of fore play. I enjoy kissing alot also and i really like to make my partner feel relaxed an her enjoy me for whatever time we can afford to be together. My life is routine and hopefully who ever answers this ad I can go into detail with this. But in the mean time, I enjoy make passionate love to my partner and her to me. I'm a kinda of romantic type of guy who loves romance. and that is how I conduct sex. Very romantically. Hope to hear from someone soon.
Thank you WN for the kindness all of you extend toward new members. You have all become an extension of my daily routine that I look forward to every day. All the jokes and the kidding that is shared between everyone and the closeness is unlike any other site I have found.
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