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hello there ladies
i am 6'4 212 i have dirty Blondie hair and my eyes change colors and i am looking for a hot girl in my area to hangout with and fuck hard and and tie up and her pussy out all day long
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LOOKING FOR: One Night Stand, Erotic Chat/E-Mail, Discreet Relationship, 1-on-1 Sex, Bondage & Discipline, Other or Special Interest
winter haven, Florida, United States
AGE: 38
BODY TYPE: Average
HEIGHT: 6' 4" (193 cm)
WEIGHT: 120 Lbs. (55 Kg.)
HAIR COLOR: Dirty Blonde
RACE: Caucasian
PROFILE: i am 6'4 212 i have dirty Blondie hair and my eyes change colors and i am looking for a hot girl in my area to hangout with and fuck hard and and tie up and her pussy out all day long