Web Naughty - male dom in Houston seeking - Adult personals for naughty people looking for sex, new sexy friends and naughty lovers!
male dom in Houston seeking
I am a mature, older male dom in the Houston area seeking a local lady for a relationship in the D/s lifestyle. Parttime physical relationship but hopefully intense mental relationship
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LOOKING FOR: Discreet Relationship, Casual Encounters, Bondage & Discipline, Long Term Relationship
houston, Texas, United States
AGE: 76
BODY TYPE: Very Large
HEIGHT: 5' 9" (175 cm)
WEIGHT: 296 Lbs. (135 Kg.)
RACE: Caucasian
PROFILE: I am a mature, older male dom in the Houston area seeking a local lady for a relationship in the D/s lifestyle. Parttime physical relationship but hopefully intense mental relationship